Friday, December 5, 2008

early morning trains

so usually, i would be freaking out about finishing whatever homework i have that is not done right now, but for some reason... i'm not!

i wonder if this is the beginning of senioritis. once the apps are in (the important ones anyway), and yearbook duties are done, it's like WHOO! i'm done! yeah! and nothing matters anymore.

or so my heart thinks. my BRAIN knows that if i eff up this semester, i'm gonna have NONONO chance of getting into any decent school, which is SUCH A WASTE. shit. i feel kinda bad for my parents because i just don't take anything that seriously, and that includes grades. like, sure i'll be upset that i got a 89% AGAIN, but i'm not gonna make a big deal out of it. i think i do have the brains, but ahhhh what does that matter when you don't use it? :[ thank god for high SAT scores and very helpful teachers who critique every detail in personal statements. 8] i'll be SO bummed that it was all for nothing. especially since mary just came to talk about finaid today, and if i DO get into USC, i'm soooo going there dammit.

umm yeah, so i'm just ramblin on here...

mr. england got perrrty mad in choir today. like more mad than usual. but honestly. is it our fault that there are like 10 girls for every boy? HE'S the one who forced the sports OR choir rule, unlike before. we could have jan redondo and jaydee and boys who could sing then! and also for his rather poor planning skills. don't freaking waste a practice on learning christmas carols we already know if theres a frkkn concert coming up in less than 2 weeks and we don't know the damn lyrics yet. also, you can't expect perfection from a choir that doesn't auditions AND has practice only once a week. keke stephfong...
what else.
ooh i downloaded skype which is a videochatting thing so i could talk to my bro in SD. if you don't use it, or use oovoo, install it! i think it's better quality (assuming anyone reads this heh). :D

wow i love these early Friday morning entries cuz i know i can fall asleep right when i get back from school. oh man i just remembered i have to sell ice cream afterschool. with stephfong. that'll be fun. but oh well free tickets to $100 formal! and free old yearbooks that my bro was in! :P

now i know many ppl don't read this, so if anyone did (or just scrolled to the bottom), here's a treat!

it's paullll! and christiiiiine! awww doesn't he look so happy in the second picture. it makes me happy. dang i am so jealous of the hot castillo sistas. what about the ha's?? :l

mmmkay, that's prolly enough, now to math hw and current event!

1 comment:


    theyre like the best picts of that event...i dont really like any of the pictures people tagged me in on facebook.

    tag me when you have time x]

    and woot! USC!
