Thursday, February 12, 2009

Boys Over Flowers :3

Lately I've been watching this ridiculous korean drama purely for the sake of laughter. I love its prettyboys, its engrish-isms, the mindless richness... ALL of it. ahhahahaa. Here is the infamous F4 aka the Flower Four (lol don't ask me).

My favorite is the one on the top right (awkward but pretty KimHyunJoong), although most girls like junpyo, the one on the top left. I don't know, I just don't like his nose and his jaw and just his face in general. There's a girl involved in the drama named Jandi, but yeah... Nobody watches this show for her. hehe.

So I was just browsing the forums the other day, and I thought this was HILARious.

Apparently the curly hairstyle of Junpyo has been catching on with the masses in Korea, and despite its expensive, time-consuming, ill-looking nature, more boys/men are styling their hair after his. And that little pic up there is a tutorial for them to follow. -_- Doesn't that make you ROFLOLMAO? haha that doesn't even make sense.....

okay, tfs entry, bye!


  1. It was so funny how you were staring at these chicos in Palmieri today hahahaha
    lol at this post too..

  2. duuude kim hyun joong is my fave too! hehehehe
